Ronald D. Davis

The Davis programs were developed by Ron Davis who was both autistic and dyslexic. Despite becoming a successful businessman, he remained functionally illiterate until age 38 when he discovered how to resolve his personal struggles with reading and writing through methods that appealed to his visual-spatial thinking style. He recognized that his powerful imagination was both the problem and the solution to his learning difficulties. By using his learning strengths rather than his learning weakness, he was able to resolve his dyslexia. He came to realize that many people shared his talents and difficulties and responded positively to the same methods that worked for him.

Ron has worked tirelessly to develop a program to help autistic individuals “participate fully in life”. Ron was born with autism and was severely autistic growing up, not being able to speak in sentences until age17. Due to personal experience, he has a deep understanding of the autism way of thinking and perceiving. His recognition of the significance of disorientation on perception and learning coupled with a clear perspective of the concepts needed to navigate life, has allowed him to develop a simple yet profound journey for those with autism to participate more fully in life.


 Books by Ron Davis:

51TVskeBsVL._AA160_    giftlearning1     Autism, the Seeds of change